Activities of Non-Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) in Japan
No activities listed!
Photo Gallery: Durga Puja 2005 | Tokyo Baishakhi Mela | Ekuskey Programme by Porobash | Saraswati Puja 2005
Acknowledgement for sending news for this page:
Sukhen Brahma
Rahman Moni
Kazi Ensan
Monirul Islam
S.M. Aziz (Babu)
Masum Iqbal
Notice: If you have any community news of NRBs in Japan, please send those information for posting here.
Dear news providers for this page,
I would appreciate if you could kindly provide me the soft copy of the news. Please do not send any fax or partial messages. I am very sorry to say that if you do not send me the soft copy, I will just discard that news. Please note that this website is a non-profit website and your kind cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Topon Kumar Paul
Owner of Desh-Bidesh Web Portal
Bibek Barta
Useful Links for NRBs in Japan
Japan News: MSN-Mainichi Daily News | Japan Times | Japan Today | Daily Yomiuri Online
Train Guide: Hyperdia | TravelExpert
Translation: Yahoo!Japan | Google| AltaVista | Excite | Goo
Yahoo! BB English Support:
Japan Post Office
South Asian TVs: YCC | MolaTV | Hum Tum TV
Japan Immigration Forms
Bangladesh Embassy at Tokyo
Send Remittance to Bangladesh: Lloyds TSB
Travel Guide:
Seishun 18 Kippu: JapanGuide| JR East
Classified: Tokyo Classified |Tokyo Notice Board
Organization: Japan-Bangla.NET| Japan Bangladesh Society
Apartment (Danchi) Search :
Urban Renaissance Agency(Former UDC)
Different Immigration forms from Immigration Bureau of Japan
Different types of formsnew
Re-entry Permit | Work Permit
Extension of Period of Stay
Certificate of Eligibility
Changing of Status of Residence
Scholarship Information
Japan Student Services Organization
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Scholarship
JDS Scholarship
Japanese Society for  the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowships
Special Graduate Program for Non-Japanese
Study in Japan
Copyright@2004-2007, Desh-Bidesh Web Portal for Bangladeshis. All rights reserved. Last update:Saturday, March 03, 2007
This webpage is brought to you by Topon Kumar Paul from Tokyo, Japan.
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Disclaimer: The owner of this website is not responsible for the contents of the links. Information posted on this website is without any warranty that they are always correct. If any event does not take place, I sincerely apologize for your inconvenience. If you are associated with any organization and do not like your information posted here, please contact me, and I will delete your information.

Note: It has been noticed that some websites are copying and pasting links from my website to their websites. I would request them to refrain from plagiarizing. I have collected these links after searching many web pages. Thank you for your understanding. 

Watch Tokyo Boishakhi Mela 1413 & 1412 Video Clips (below)
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