Visitors' comments on RAB activities in Bangladesh

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09/24/2004Chandan10.124.207.251Except some incidents, RAB has done the right thing by killing the terrorists. We hope that BNP government will not use it for their personal interest and RAB will do everything neutrally.
10/01/2004hassan10.124.207.254i am suport thear all activities.
10/01/2004hassan10.124.207.253i am suport thear all activities.go ahead rab plese not be corapted.
10/05/2004rahman10.124.207.253RAB is good RAB is bad
10/07/2004Hanif10.124.207.252I think RAB is the topmost GUNDBAHINI OF BNP SORKER. They arrested that is good but everybody has right to attend in the eye of law.
10/07/2004Hanif10.124.207.249I think RAB is the topmost GUNDABAHINI OF BNP SORKER. They arrested criminal that is good but everybody has right to attend in the eye of law.
10/07/2004Karim10.124.207.254Could anybody tell me why RAB is not finishing any Jamaat-Shibir cadre?
10/08/200410.124.207.251Because Jamat sibir cadres are all, they are not individually identified
10/14/2004Jahangir10.124.207.254RAB is doing very nice.
10/15/2004maruf10.124.207.248good . very very good
10/20/2004Abbas10.124.207.249RAB has now been deployed to control the prices of commodities in Bangladesh, but it would not be fruitful becuase RAB does not stay always at the markets.
10/20/2004Farida10.124.207.247It's good that Bangladesh is finally taking action against criminals and terrorists. I wish Bangladesh could stop the terrorists could be stopped from fleeing to their Indian homeland. Bangladesh has a duty to protect all its people and homeland from foreign terrorists and criminals. Causing instability and chaos between Bengali people is the gameplan of the unstable poor caste-ridden Indian federation. Bengali nation must be strong to foil all the dirty schemes. We must never turn the other cheek. Bangladesh is a moderate, democratic Islamic nation and its values are too important to our world:we must all defend the Muslim nation and her values.
10/20/2004Rashid10.124.207.253Root out all the terrorists from our motherland. Arrest and detain every criminal in the land. Make our homeland great. Ramadan Mubarak.
10/20/2004Tasleem10.124.207.253Why has it taken so long to take action against the Indian santrash? RAB and every Bengali has to become the eyes and years of Bangladesh from now.
10/20/2004Tasleem10.124.207.248Why has it taken so long to take action against the Indian santrash? RAB and every Bengali has to become the eyes and ears of Bangladesh from now. On our border areas every day people are being killed by the enemy. The world must know what hostile forces are trying to do to a peaceful nation. Awami League must remove all anti-Bangladesh and ant-Islamic elements from the party. Otherwise the Bangladesh people will reject them forever.
10/21/2004Azam10.124.207.253Probably you know my name. I am the introducer of the idea of caretaker govt and advisor of RAB. I had patronized in 1971 Rajakar, now support RAB. I have got some brothers and sisters beside me to propagate my thought. Don't worry; you will get the benefit(?) for ever.
10/21/2004Nizami10.124.207.250AL opposes RAB because they are the godfathers of Hazari, Iqbal, Hannan, etc. RAB is doing the ultimate job to eliminate the criminals from Bangladesh.
10/22/2004RAB10.124.207.254I do think some serious stuip guys are writing some stuip comments in the section.
10/22/2004FKU10.124.207.248Why Bangladeshi people are always devided by their political view. They can never come out of politics. The comments here really show the view of Bangldeshi.... Keep it on brothers.. Bangladesh will be a great country soon....
10/22/2004One Police Bhai10.124.207.250We do not need RAB; we, the Police, are sufficient to curb the crime. Are you thinking how we would protect general citizens? Simple solution: we will put them all in jail and release all the terrorists.
10/26/2004radhapal10.124.207.254Very Good
10/26/2004Oshim Banerjee10.124.207.250If carefully executed and neutrality could be maintained RAB will bring in good results for law and order situation in Bangladesh. Law and order situation is the most sought after commodity in Bangladesh. Some countries are out to control Bangladesh because of it's geo political location and the same time it;s resources like water, gas and otrhers.
11/14/2004ahmad10.124.207.248RAB's activities are very good
11/14/2004mohi10.124.207.250RAB's activities are very good. We support them
11/14/2004Rokon10.124.207.252RAB is quite a good initiative from BNP Govt. Even for this they may be elected again by the people of Bangladesh
11/16/2004HMD10.124.207.247Doing great jobs!!! Next, they should implement their present activities on the godfather of the criminals.
11/19/2004Mohammad Akharuzzaman10.124.207.248This is the better for Bangladesh in the current situtation. Thanks for the BNP Goverment.
11/24/2004omar farque10.124.207.249i am from dhaka bangladsh.Without some kill rab couldnot do anything because the hijacking and other unsocial works still in our dhaka because last firday some miscreants hijack me and i lost about 30,000/- taka. farque shajahanpur dhaka
11/24/2004Nafisa10.124.207.250I am a housewife from dhaka Rab is not bad but we have to pay a real attention for use of them and thay must be used in crimes.crimes is not decreasing but increasing day by day in dhaka as like as bangladesh
11/27/2004Probir10.124.207.250Not a bad. But I think that nobody should violate the existing law.
11/28/2004kuddus10.124.207.250it will be more well if the battalion killed 1 each days as like as devid.
11/29/2004masum10.124.207.251perfect decision for the present situation of bangladesh
11/29/2004Md. Mahfizur Rahman10.124.207.254RAB is good. This step of the government is very good. And operation Clean heart was also good. But the government was taken its back to their pavilon when election was going on. It was not good. If the RAB is like that then it will not good. RAB is doing too many good works for us and our general people. We want that its not be will use in political purpose. Now my opinion is "May allah blessed them". Long live RAB and our contry and make fair rules and laws.
12/01/2004Raju10.124.207.253I am too much happy for opinion about RAB. please more and more kill every criminal.
12/01/2004Lisa10.124.207.250I will appreciate RAB if they kill all the terrorists of Jaamat-e-Islami and Islami Chhatra Shibir.
12/01/2004ami10.124.207.252rab is a good creature of the lord. i wish rab be long live as its present character.
12/02/2004Mina10.124.207.251I support the state minister that terrorists have no human rights.
12/06/2004nai10.124.207.251what could be done by a professional killer force in the name of uniformed and licensed force!!
12/12/2004taslima akhtar10.124.207.251It is good action for bangladesh.
12/14/2004Shalom Bh.
12/16/2004Amin10.124.207.253Though RAB activities are againt human, I fully suport their activities. There is valid law, rules and human right to a terorist. terorist
12/16/2004Amin10.124.207.252Though RAB activities are againt human, I fully suport their activities. There is valid law, rules and human right to a terorist. terorist
12/16/2004Proud of Bangaladeshi10.124.207.247RAB is kiling terrorist but terrorist are kiling a good man. There is no alternative way to stop the terrorist at the present condition of Bangladesh. That is why I fully support RAB activities though it is againt of human right. Because a terrorist is never a human.
12/22/2004Mizan10.124.207.250it's not out of party biasness. It should be neautral and should got such an independent power that it can arrest anyone and take action against the crime.
12/22/2004Mizan10.124.207.253RAB is not out of party biasness. RAB should be neautral and should be given latent power to kill the God Father also whoever he is!!!
12/26/2004Tozammel Hoq Bokul10.124.207.248Very good to see recent RAB activities in the country. Keep this good work up.
01/07/2005Salahud Din Ahmed10.124.207.251People in general are happy to see terrorists flee. But RAB should be very cautious in acting on the basis of information/tips provided by the 'Sources' -- many of who are not honest,rather sometimes themselves are involved in brutal crime. So, tips got from them must be checked several times from different angels.
01/12/2005ma hasan10.124.207.253
01/19/2005hasan10.124.207.251wel-come rapid action battalion
01/26/2005Rokeya Parveen10.124.207.251Where is RAB? Do they see Bangla vai? It is BNP who is helping Islamic fundamentalists to make Bangladesh a Taliban State!
01/27/2005Kamal Uddin10.124.207.254I was a die-hard supported of BNP but I am very much disappointed at the activities of BNP because I do not find any differences between BNP and AL in putting down the terrorists. Moreover, grenade attacks are new addition to terrorism. I am very sorry at the sad demise of AL MP SM Kibria.
01/29/2005morshed10.124.207.251very good